HR Director

Workforce Planning

V6 HR Director provides an accurate, real-time and dynamic view of an organization’s most important asset – its staff . This can also include contractors, strategic partners and associates. In addition there is a wide range of analysis and reporting options.

This provides a first time opportunity for a true analysis of an organization’s capability to execute its business plans. In fact, this first time visibility can often change those same plans.

No one in the industry needs to be reminded of the pace of change driven by technology and the faster cycles of growth, mergers and declines.

Vortex 6 is trusted by

We have been working since 2009 with some of the most successful and dynamic organizations in the industry.

Download our guide to HR Director

Whether you are in HR, Operations, Engineering , R&D, or Sales, we look forward to hearing from you.

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For Cisco Partners we provide a free 360 Health Check that involves a full audit of your certifications, specializations, program compliance opportunities & risks
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